日本近視学会 Japan Myopia Society Brien Holden Vision Institute Brien Holden Vision Institute
〒541-0056 大阪市中央区久太郎町2-1-25
Tel: 06-4964-8869 Fax: 06-4964-8804
E-mail: 17imc@jtbcom.co.jp



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Chew Sek-Jin 受賞講演【Session Room 1】12月14日(土) 11:20-12:20

Professor Earl L. Smith III
Christine Wildsoet
Kyoko Ohno-Matsui
Earl L. Smith III教授
Earl L. Smith III教授は長年にわたる近視研究の偉大な業績で知られる世界を代表する近視研究者です。
特に霊長類の実験近視動物モデルを用いて、黄斑部よりも周辺の眼底に生じるボケ像が近視進行や眼軸延長を起こすことを証明し、彼の研究をもとに周辺のボケ(peripheral defocus)を抑制する近視進行抑制眼鏡の開発に至った経緯があります。

ZEISS 若手研究者奨励賞2019 & Josh Wallman記念講演【Session Room 1】12月12日(木) 10:45-11:45

Dr. Virginie J.M. Verhoeven
Christine Wildsoet
Kyoko Ohno-Matsui
Virginie J.M. Verhoeven先生
Virginie J.M. Verhoeven先生はロッテルダム研究などの近視の疫学研究・遺伝子研究で有名なオランダのエラスムス眼センターでCaroline Klaver教授とともに研究を精力的に進め多数の輝かしい業績を報告してきた若手の近視研究者です。近視遺伝子研究の国際コンソーシアム(CREAM)を率いて近視と屈折異常に関与する原因遺伝子を初めて明らかにしたNature Geneticsのスタディで知られます。


シンポジウム 1

National Myopia Prevention and Control Policies - An Update

Ian Morgan
Kyoko Ohno-Matsui
講演1. 近視進行抑制法の選択肢は何か?
Ian Morgan
講演2. 台湾における近視進行抑制の国家的戦略
Pei-Chang Wu
(Chang Gung記念病院、台湾)
講演3. シンガポールにおける近視進行抑制の国家的戦略
Seang-Mei Saw
講演4. 中国における近視進行抑制の国家的戦略
Mingguang He
講演5. The Strategy for Myopia Control and Prevention in the UK
Nicola Logan
講演6. Updates of treatment for Myopic Medical/Surgical Complications
生野 恭司
シンポジウム 2

International Myopia Institute: the possibilities and the probabilities

Serge Resnikoff
(Brien Holden Vision Institute)
Earl L. Smith III
Monica Jong
(Brien Holden Vision Institute)
Daniel I. Flitcroft
(University Coll. Dublin and Dublin Inst. of
David Troilo
Christine Wildsoet
Nicola Logan
Caroline Klaver
Kate Gifford
Jacinto Santodomingo
Lyle Gray
International Myopia Institute(国際近視機関)は、3年前に世界を代表する様々な近視領域の研究者から結成され、エビデンスに基づいた近視の定義や分類、ガイドラインなどを定め、国際基準を確立してきました。本セッションでは、これまでの研究成果を紹介し、インターアクティブな討論により、今後の近視研究、近視の教育や啓蒙の在り方について指針が出されると期待されます。


一般口演 1【Session Room 1】9月12日(木)8:15~9:03


James Loughman
(Centre for Eye Research Ireland,
 Technological University Dublin)
Nicola Logan
(Aston University)
Application of Big-Data for Epidemiological Studies of Refractive Error
Michael Moore
Potential Value of Centile Analysis in Eye Growth and Refractive Development
Daniel I. Flitcroft
The Progression of Myopia before the Age of 25 Years: The DREAM Study
Willem Tideman
Progression and Longitudinal Biometric Changes in Highly Myopic Eyes
Mingguang He
一般口演 2【Session Room 1】9月12日(木)9:35~10:35


Chris Hammond
(King’s College London)
Milly Tedja
(Ophthalmology and Epidemiology,
 Erasmus Medical Centre)
Genetic and Parental Factors of Myopia
Calvin C. P. Pang
Genetic Study of 542,934 Subjects Identifies Novel Genes and Genetic Mechanisms Predisposing to Refractive Error and Myopia
Christopher Hammond
Improving Prediction of Myopia using Information on Genetic Risk Factors
Pirro Hysi
Pathway-Specific Genetic Risk Scores Associated with High Myopia
Milly S. Tedja
Analysis of Genetic Networks Regulating Refractive Eye Development in Collaborative Cross Mice Reveals New Genes and Pathways Underlying Human Myopia
Andrei V. Tkatchenko
一般口演 3【Session Room 1】9月12日(木)15:28~17:16


Seang-Mei Saw
(Singapore Eye Research Institute)
Pei-Chang Wu
(Kaohsiung Chang Gung Memorial Hospital)
A Systematic Review: The Role of Time Exposed to Outdoor Light for Myopia Prevalence and Progression
Leila S. Eppenberger
Outdoor Play, Playgrounds, and Myopia in Children
Clair Enthoven
Habitual Indoor and Outdoor Activity of Myopic and Non-Myopic University Students in the United States and Norway
Elise N. Harb
Comparison of Outdoor Exposure and Nearwork between Children with and without Parents with Myopia by Using Clouclip
Weizhong Lan
Outdoor Jogging and Myopia Progression in School Children from Rural Beijing: The Beijing Children Eye Study
Yin Guo
Myopia and Risk Factor Exposures within Academically-streamed Schools
Amanda N. French
Refractive Error Change among Schoolchildren with 1-Year Tablet Computer Use as Educational Tool in School
Jung Lo
Recent, but Not Past, Vitamin D Concentrations are Associated with Myopia in Young Adulthood
Gareth N. Lingham
Sleep Duration and Myopia Progression in a Four-year Follow-up of Chinese Children: The Anyang Childhood Eye Study
Shi-Fei Wei
一般口演 4-1【Session Room 1】9月13日(金)8:35~10:14

近視の基礎研究・動物モデル I

Frank Schaeffel
(University of Tübingen)
Chi-Ho To
(The Hong Kong Polytechnic University)
Special Lecture: Genetically Modified Animal Models of Myopia
Terri Young
Reviewing Lens-induced Myopia in C57BL/6 Mice
Beerend Winkelman
Differential Wavelength Cues are Essential for Emmetropization in Tree Shrews
Timothy J. Gawne
Effects of Myopic-astigmatic Development on Retinal Functions in Chicken
Sonal A. Vyas
The Impact of Exposure to Multiple Episodes of Defocus on Chick Eye Growth
Pauline Kang
Amacrine Cells Expressing nNOS are Sensitive to the Sign of Defocus in the Mammalian Retina
Sally A. McFadden
一般口演 4-2【Session Room 1】9月13日(金)10:14~11:14

近視の基礎研究・動物モデル II

Timothy Gawne
(University of Alabama at Birmingham)
Alexandra Benavente-Perez
(SUNY College of Optometry)
The Mechanism Study of Dopamine D2 Receptor Involving the Flickering Light Induced Myopia of Guinea Pigs
Shunmei Ji
Low Dose Atropine Does Not Influence Dopamine Release in Chickens
Kate Thomson
Atropine Distribution in the Chick Eye: Analysis using Mass Spectrometry and Immunoassays
Muthana H. Noori
Scleral Hif-1α Knock-down Shifted Refraction toward Hyperopia in Normal Environment but Suppressed Form-deprivation Myopia (FDM) Development in Mice
Xiangtian Zhou
Changes in Choroidal Thickness and Choroidal Blood Perfusion in Guinea Pig Myopia
Guoyun Zhang
Decreased Stiffness and Increased Permeability in Sclera of Myopic Mice
Dillon M. Brown
Two Quantitative High-frequency Ultrasound Methods to Assess Microstructural Changes in Guinea Pig Sclera
Jonathan Mamou
一般口演 5【Session Room 1】9月13日(金)11:14~12:02


Lisa Ostrin
(University of Houston College of Optometry)
Sandra Wagner
(Eberhard Karls University Tuebingen)
Comparison of Different Techniques to Assess the Near Accommodation Responses
Emmetropes and Myopes Differ Little in Their Accommodation Dynamics but Strongly in Their Ciliary Muscle Morphology
Sandra Wagner
Early Warning Effect of Accommodative Facility in the Occurrence of Myopia in Adolescents
Xiaoyan Yang
Comparison of Binocular Imbalance in Emmetropic and Myopic Volunteers under a Non-immersive Virtual Reality Platform
Jin Zeng
一般口演 6【Session Room 1】9月13日(金)16:05~17:41


Toshifumi Mihashi
(University of Tsukuba)
Sally McFadden
(University of Newcastle)
The Effect of Orthokeratology Compression Factor on Ocular Higher-order Aberrations
Jason K. Lau
Clinical Observation of Effect of Long-term Overnight Wearing of Orthokeratology Lenses on Myopia Progression and Ocular Safety in Adolescents
Yin Yang
Comparison of Myopia Progression between Children Wearing Three Types of Orthokeratology (Ortho-K) Lenses and Children Wearing Single Vision Glasses
Yo Nakamura
Comparisons of the Myopia Control Effects of Standard Design and Toric Design Orthokeratology Lenses
Zhao Chen
Influence of Change to Orthokeratology Induced Treatment Zone Diameter and Pupil Diameter on the Optics of the Cornea
Paul Gifford
A Pilot Study Comparing CRT Orthokeratology Lenses with Two Different Treatment Zone Sizes
Maria Liu
Anatomic Factors Contributed to Choroidal Thickening after Orthokeratology: Evidence from Image Binarization of SD-OCT
Jinyun Jiang
Atropine Combined with Orthokeratology (ACO) in the Treatment of Myopia: Change of Subfoveal Choroidal Thickness (SFChT)
Wenchen Zhao
一般口演 7【Session Room 1】9月14日(土)8:10~9:22


Padmaja Sankaridurg
(University of New South Wales)
Pauline Cho
(The Hong Kong Polytechnic University)
Optical and Neural Contribution in the Peripheral Retina to Myopia Control
Geunyoung Yoon
Central and Peripheral Visual Quality and Accommodation with Multifocal Contact Lenses
Linda Lundstrom
Accommodation Response with Multifocal Contact Lenses in Non-presbyopic Subjects
Martin Loertscher
The Adaptation and Acceptance of Defocus Incorporated Multiple Segments (DIMS) for Chinese Adolescents
Yiqiu Lu
Measured and Predicted Axial Elongation in the MiSight Clinical Trial
Paul Chamberlain
Efficacy of Myopia Control Contact Lenses (BHVI Extended Depth of Focus Contact Lens and MiSight) in a Contralateral Study Design
Padmaja Sankaridurg
一般口演 8【Session Room 1】9月14日(土)15:23~17:47


Ian Morgan
(Australian National University)
Zhou Xiangtian
(Wenzhou Medical University)
Current and Emerging Pharmaceutical Interventions for Myopia
Kritchai Vutipongsatorn
Myopia Controle for Europeans: Evidence-based Protocol
Caroline C.W. Klaver
Two-Year Clinical Trial of the Low-concentration Atropine for Myopia Progression (LAMP) Study: 0.05% Atropine Remained the Optimal Concentration for Myopia Control
Jason C.S. Yam
The Efficacy of 0.01% Atropine Ophthalmic Solution for Controlling the Progression of Childhood Myopia (ATOM-J) - Randomized Controlled Trial
Osamu Hieda
Efficacy of Low Dose Atropine in Indian Progressive Myopes
Viswanathan Sivaraman
The Efficacy and Safety of Topical 0.01% Atropine in Controlling Near-work Induced Transient Myopia
Lei Guo
A Gold Standard for Myopia Control Efficacy: Cumulative Absolute Reduction of Axial Elongation (CARE)
Mark Bullimore
Consistency of Absolute Myopia Control Treatment Effect Across Age (Or Why Tom Aller Got 80% Treatment Efficacy!)
Noel A. Brennan
Temporal Considerations in Myopia Control Efficacy
Jaclyn V. Hernandez
7-methylxanthine (7-mx) for Myopia Control - Five-year Data
Klaus Trier
MyopiaX: Invisible Myopia Treatment using Visible Light
Hamed Bahmani
Results with Snyder- Thompson Posterior Scleral Reinforcement in Progressive, High Myopic Children in Hungary
Noemi Szell
一般口演 9【Session Room 1】9月15日(日)8:05~8:53


Christine Wildsoet
(University of California, Berkeley)
Rigmor Baraas
(University of South-Eastern Norway)
Change of The Refractive Status after Cycloplegia and Its Related Factors in Children Aged 6-12
Bei Du
Mathematical Estimation of Axial Length using Routine Optometric Data in the Absence of Formal Biometry
Nabin Paudel
Effect of Chromatic and Monochromatic Aberrations on Detecting the Sign of Defocus in the Periphery
Petros Papadogiannis
Salivary Melatonin, Sleep and Activity: Myopes Compared to Non-Myopes
Sarah C. Flanagan
一般口演 10【Session Room 1】9月15日(日)8:53~10:17


Yasushi Ikuno
(Ikuno Eye Center)
Yuxin Fang
(Tokyo Medical and Dental University)
Watching Spatially Filtered Movies That Enhance ON or OFF Stimulation Changes Choroidal Thickness
Frank Schaeffel
Choroidal Thickness in Australian Indigenous Children
Scott A. Read
Representation of the Fundus Shape using Legendre Polynomial Expansions of RPE Segmentation Data Obtained by the OCT with Auto Alignment Function
Toshifumi Mihashi
Projections of Myopia-associated Eye Diseases
Xu Cheng
Retinal Complications in High Myopia in Europeans
Annechien E.G. Haarman
Comparison of Clinical Features in Highly Myopic Eyes with and without Posterior Staphyloma evaluated with Ultrawide-Field Swept-Source OCT
Takashi Watanabe
Long-Term Outcomes and Complications of Foveola-nonpeeling/Fovea-sparing Internal Limiting Membrane Surgery of Myopic Traction Maculopathy
Tzyy-Chang Ho

特別セッション ※本セッションは日本語です。9月15日(日)13:45~17:15

東京医科歯科大学 鈴木章夫記念講堂
東  範行
大野 京子
南雲 幹
東  範行
南雲 幹
小児の近視を理解するための基礎知識 -疫学編-
川崎 良
大野 京子
横井 多恵
生野 恭司
福下 公子
杉山 能子
南雲 幹
長谷部 聡
南雲 幹
福下 公子
富田 香
杉山 能子
平岡 孝浩
平岡 孝浩
長谷部 聡
西山 友貴
生野 恭司
生野 恭司
三橋 俊文
東  範行
大野 京子
長谷部 聡
平岡 孝浩
横井 多恵


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