Welcome Message

The 58th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Ocular Inflammation Society
President Junko Hori, M.D., Ph.D., FARVO
(Department of Ophthalmology, Nippon Medical School, Tama Nagayama Hospital Japan)

I am pleased to host the 58th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Ocular Inflammation. I would like to express my gratitude to our members and all related parties for giving us this precious opportunity.
We have experienced a few lonely years, when the Covid-19 pandemic caused the conference to be canceled or postponed, and both academic activities and human networks were cut off, but the time has finally come for us to “reunite” in earnest. The theme of this year's “Foursome 2025 in Yokohama” is “Reunion for the future,” and we hope to reunite the four academic societies and the human network that was cut off by the pandemic. For those who are unable to attend the conference in Pacifico Yokohama, I hope that you will be able to join the conference via on-demand delivery, transcending time and space.
I was the Secretary General of the Japanese Society of Ocular Inflammation held in Pacifico Yokohama in 2005. Twenty years have passed since then, and what I would like to focus on this year's conference is global and diversity. Invited lectures from overseas will be given by Dr. Martine Jager of Leiden University in the Netherlands and Dr. Rachel Caspi of the NIH in the United States. Both of them are female scientists who continue to show strong leadership not only in the field of ocular inflammation and immunology, but also in ARVO and other international conferences. We are looking forward to hearing their energetic, unique, and enjoyable lectures.
We have also planned a joint symposium on “Microbiome and ocular diseases. It is well known that the intestinal microbiota is involved in the pathogenesis of systemic inflammatory diseases and various other diseases, and we would like to deepen the discussion on the relationship between the intestinal microbiota, the ocular microbiota and ocular diseases. We are also planning other symposia that will include women and young people from among the society members, so we hope you will look forward to them.
The area around Pacifico Yokohama is in a rush of redevelopment and is evolving with new and attractive spots being created one after another. We look forward to seeing many of you there.