Welcome Message

President of the 13th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Lacrimal Passage and Tear Dynamics
Nozomi Matsumura, MD, PhD
Kanagawa Children's Medical Center Department of Ophthalmology
Visiting Associate Professor, Yokohama City University, Department of Ophthalmology

I am pleased to host the 13th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Lacrimal Passage and Tear Dynamics (JSLT). I want to express my sincere gratitude to the JSLT members and all those involved for giving me this valuable opportunity.

The theme of Foursome 2025 Yokohama is "Reunion for the future." The 12th JSLT was the first time it was held independently and was a great success, but the 13th Annual Meeting of the JSLT will be a reunion of the four societies. The reunion of the four societies at Pacifico Yokohama, where the Foursome was first held, will be a valuable opportunity to return to the basics and reaffirm the significance and joy of having the event simultaneously.

Dr. Jane Olver, President of ISD-DE (International Society of Dacryology and Dry Eye), will be invited from London to give a special lecture. We are honored to have Dr. Olver as our guest speaker and hope this meeting will serve as a bridge for international exchange.

In Symposium 1, “Basics of Dry Eye and Dacryology,” we will review the pathophysiology of dry eye and lacrimal disease from the basics and discuss how to treat these conditions.

In Symposium 2, “Clinical Research and EBM by JSLT,” Professor Koji Yamamoto of the Department of Clinical Statistics, Yokohama City University School of Medicine, will first give a keynote lecture on the basics of statistics for clinical use. In addition, we would like to share what is currently being conducted mainly by our society, such as guidelines for congenital nasolacrimal duct obstruction (CNLDO), a randomized controlled trial of surgical treatment for CNLDO, a registry study for lacrimal surgery, and database construction.

Starting this year, we will begin providing English-language support for hands-on training on dacryoendoscopy for overseas physicians. In addition, we plan to present English translation using AI automatic translation with a sub-screen for Japanese oral presentations. We aim to provide an opportunity for overseas doctors interested in Japanese lacrimal practice, especially dacryoendoscopy, to gain much information.

We sincerely look forward to welcoming you to the port city of Yokohama in the summer, as refreshing as the poster of this meeting. Welcome to Japan! Welcome to Yokohama!